Friday, April 4, 2014

A-Z Challenge Letters A-D Catch-up

I’m a little late jumping on the A-Z blogging challenge, but here I am.
My theme for this challenge is introducing myself, so hold on to your hats kids—you’re about to learn some random stuff. I hope to get to know my followers better as well.
Since I missed A-D this is going to be my massive catch up post. :D
A is for Author. I write books. I’ve been creating stories for as long as I can remember (Free time in first grade? Yup, I was writing). I haven’t published anything yet, but I have some big plans in the works.
B is for Biology. Here’s where it gets all random. I have a degree in biology. Science plus fantasy novels? Yes, yes it is a strange mix.
C is for Cat. I’m a little obsessed with cats. Not like in a crazy cat lady way, but you can guarantee if I visit someone and they have a cat, that cat is getting like 98% of my attention. I have two gorgeous cats (Stop by my blog long enough and you’re sure to hear stories of their antics).

D is for Dog. Okay, so as much as I love cats, I really love all animals. There is nothing better than being welcomed home by two excited dogs. I have two adorable puppies.

Well, now here is your part of the challenge! Do you write? What is your big dream? Do you have any quirky traits like a biologist/fantasy author mash-up? What is the one thing that can attract 98% of your attention?


  1. Yep, I'm a writer, too. And my background is also varied because my degree was in computer science. And if I'm in a room with dogs, I pretty much forget there are people I'm supposed to be socializing with. That last pooch looks like a pitbull (or a mix). One of my fur babies is a pitbull mix and she's the sweetest dog ever.

    Hope you’re having fun with the A to Z challenge,

  2. I take way too many pictures of my cats. Embarrassingly too many pictures.
    (sincerely don't like your catcha)

  3. We have so much in common! We're different types of writers, and have different science degrees, but it's still a similar situation. My degree is in Computer Engineering, and I worked in software and IT for a long time before going into science, technology, and entertainment writing. I also love all animals, and have a dog and cats. Awesome! :)

    Random Musings from the KristenHead -- A to Z
